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With 3Q20 coming to a close, Real Estate Alert’s Largest Deals list will disclose to readers and investors which big transactions came out of yet another Covid-induced, unsteady quarter. In a fireside chat style discussion, two of Green Street’s thought leaders from REIT Research and News will share perspectives on the largest single-property transactions. They’ll have a candid discussion about what these large transactions indicate in terms of strengths and weaknesses in the market and what’s expected to come as we look forward. Please join us for a 30-minute webinar, covering cross-sector insights on office, industrial, multi-family, hotel, and retail property types.


Hubspot Headshots - Richard

Richard Quinn
Managing Editor,
Commercial Mortgage Alert
& Real Estate Alert,

Hubspot Headshots - Cedrik

Cedrik Lachance
Director of Global REIT Research

*Green Street's News vertical is not a product of Green Street's advisory business. It is an independent business unit of Green Street. Green Street maintains information barriers to ensure the independence of the News unit and the research and advisory services provided by Green Street.